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Cosmic ray production and transport in astrospheres

Applicant Dr. Klaus Scherer
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 232615537
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

In this project we have simulated the astrospheres around hot and cool stars, where the focus was on the hot stars. The astrospheres include the interaction zones between the “supersonic” stellar wind and the interstellar medium which has a supersonic relative speed with respect to the star. These interaction zones include the termination shock, where the stellar wind becomes subsonic as well as the bow shock where the interstellar flow becomes sub sonic and the tangential discontinuity inbetween. This interaction was the first time modelled with a 3D MHD code including heating and cooling functions. These models can be rotated at the origin (the star) and then shifted to some distance (ca 600 pc for λ Cephei) and projected on a sky map. We used this projection to model some of the observed quantities, like the Hα flux or the synchroton radiation. We also used the standard analytic MHD Rankine-Hugoniot equations to compare those values in inflow direction with those of the model. Furthermore we showed that the analytic determination of the termination shock distances is not always applicable in MHD. We then started to discuss the cosmic ray flux of astrospheres and their imprints on Earth (cosmic ray anisotropy). It turned out that we need a non-equilibrium distribution function to model the corresponding diffusion coefficients. We used the standard κ-distribution to do so, but recognized that this leads to problems because this distribution is not well posed. We then started to develop a new κ-distribution (the regularized one) and are still exploring its characteristic. We had to overcome the problems with the standard κ-distribution. That are too high pressure values when κ approaches 3/2. We could overcome these difficulties and extend the range to κ > 0 by introducing the regularised κ-distribution.



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