Ab initio investigation of the role of the bridging atoms to the spin transferability between magnetic centrers
Final Report Abstract
In this extension of the project, we investigated the roles of various bridging atoms/ligands and the phonon-spin coupling on our optically driven lambda processes in a series of new structures. We found that both of the (non)metallic bridging atoms and ligands can lower the high symmetries of the structures, relocate the electron densities of the magnetic centers, and facilitate the spin scenarios, which is consistent with our previous work. As the focus of this extension, we studied spin-phonon coupling, as one of the mediators of the lambda processes, in more detail. The results showed that the phononic modes have strong influence on the electronic structures of the systems, which therefore affects the behavior and feature of the spin dynamics. The main influences are: (a) For the cluster Ni3Na2, five different magnetic phases are found resulting from the phonon-spin coupling, among which only two phases allow for spin transfer manipulation; (b) the fitness of the spin scenario in Ni dimer is highly dependent on the interatomic distance as well as the correlation channels; (c) for Co3+, the phononic modes are fully characterized and calculated and the corresponding spin dynamics is investigated by attaching the ligand CO, which can serve as a promising candidate to study the effect of spinphonon coupling on spin functionality for future application. All these results provide us a deep and better understanding of the relationships between phonon and spin dynamics, and thus can promote the targeted designing of more successful nanostructures.
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