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Spray encapsulation as novel method for generation of micro encapsulated biocatalysts and their application in multi step synthesis

Subject Area Biological Process Engineering
Technical Chemistry
Term from 2013 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 239209252
Microencapsulation of biocatalysts is versatile and useful method used in biochemical reaction engineering. Within this project spray encapsulation will be investigated for the heterogenisation of enzymes. As a first test system laccases will be investigated. The properties of the resulting enzyme immobilisate will be characterized with respect to surface properties, activity, stability, mass transport and so on. Also the activity against a variety of substrates will be investigated. Besides laccases other enzymes such as Bayer-Villiger-Monooxygenases, hydroxylnitril lyases will be encapsulated as well. The immobilized enzymes will be used in a continuously operated reactor for multi-step-biotransformations. Process control will be achieved using online analytic. Membrane processes and micro-extractors will be used for downstream-processing and in situ removal.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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