Project Details
Thermal transport in polymeric nanostructures (A03)
Subject Area
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Polymers
Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Polymers
from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 217133147
Using simulation and experiment, we will investigate the energy transport (i) across the internal interfaces in nanostructured composite materials of amorphous block copolymers, (ii) at the interface between polymers and inorganic nanoparticles and, (iii) at the free surface of polymer materials after mechanical excitation. Energy transport will be controlled by molecular conformations at interfaces and surfaces, by the compressibility of the material, by embedding nanoparticles into specific polymer domains, as well as by changing the orientation and size of the microphase-separated domains through energy input in form of UV light. This may open up pathways to materials with switchable thermal conductivity.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 1073:
Atomic Scale Control of Energy Conversion
Applicant Institution
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Project Heads
Professor Dr. Marcus Müller; Professor Dr. Philipp Vana