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GSC 34:  Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE)

Subject Area Economics
Term from 2006 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24101972
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

The Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) offers a structured doctoral programme in all research areas covered by the Economics Department of the University of Bonn. The programme is designed to attract highly qualified students holding a bachelor’s degree, allowing them to focus on research-oriented training and to obtain an internationally competitive doctoral degree at a younger age. By now, most of the BGSE courses are offered exclusively to doctoral students. Students enter the BGSE through a centralized application process with final decisions made by the general assembly. Admission is competitive on the basis of academic qualification. Only outstanding students are considered for admission. The BGSE has become the regular way of achieving a doctoral degree from the Economics Department in Bonn. The academic profile of the BGSE rests on the many joint research activities of the Economics Department currently including the mathematical economics pillar of the Excellence Cluster “Hausdorff Center for Mathematics” (HCM), the Bonn branch of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems” (SFB TR 15), the Research Training Group “Heterogeneity, Risk, and Dynamics in Economic Systems” (GRK 1707), the Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CENs), and the Center for Advanced Studies in Law and Economics (CASTLE). The Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (MPI) and the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) are cooperating institutions of the BGSE. During the last (phase-out) funding period, a fourth ERC grant has been assigned to a PI of the BGSE. This high distinction is also to the benefit of some of the doctoral students. The interaction among doctoral, postdoctoral and faculty researchers takes place in the three official workshops where members of the BGSE meet weekly during the terms. Participants learn about new results from the various joint research activities and presenters obtain valuable comments from the expert audience. Most recently, the workshop in behavioural and applied microeconomics has been added as the third centre of interaction in addition to the already existing micro and macro workshops. All activities of the BGSE are conducted in English to attract highly qualified foreign students and to prepare German students for national and international job markets in which they will compete after having obtained their doctoral degree.

Link to the final report


  • (2007): Commuters route choice-behaviour, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 58, 394-406
    Kube, S. (with R. Selten, M. Schreckenberg, T. Pitz and T. Chmura)
  • (2007): Contests for status, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 115, 338-363
    Moldovanu, B. (with A. Sela and X. Shi)
  • (2007): Gift-exchange in the field, Econometrica, Vol. 75, 1501-1511
    Falk, A.
  • (2007): On price caps under uncertainty, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 74, 93-111
    Tatur, T. (with R. Earle and K. Schmedders)
  • (2008): Combining registration and fitting for functional models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 103, 1155-1165
    Kneip, A. (with J. Ramsay)
  • (2009): A comment on the economics of labor adjustment: Mind the gap: Evidence from a Monte Carlo experiment, American Economic Review, Vol. 99(5), 2258- 2266
    Bayer, C.
  • (2009): A re-consideration of the Jensen-Meckling model of outside finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 18, 495-525
    Hellwig, M.
  • (2009): Lab experiments are a major source of knowledge in the social science, Science, Vol. 326(5952), 535-538
    Falk, A. (with J. Heckman)
  • (2009): Learning about the future and dynamic efficiency, American Economic Review, Vol. 99, 1576-1587
    Moldovanu, B. (with A. Gershkov)
  • (2009): Should you allow your employee to become your competitor? – on non-compete agreements in employment contracts, International Economic Review, Vol. 50, 117-141
    Kräkel, M. (with D. Sliwka)
  • (2009): Stochastic mechanisms in settings without monetary transfers: The regular case, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 144, 1373-1395
    Kovac, E. (with T. Mylovanov)
  • (2009): Systemic risk in the financial sector: An analysis of the subprimemortgage financial crisis, De Economist, Vol. 157, 129-207
    Hellwig, M.
  • (2009): Taxes and employment subsidies in optimal redistribution programmes, American Economic Review, Vol. 99, 216-242
    Szalay, D. (with P. Beaudry and C. Blackorby)
  • (2009):The theory of assortative matching based on costly signals, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 76, 253-281
    Moldovanu, B. (with H. Hoppe and A. Sela)
  • (2010): Are risk aversion and impatience related to cognitive ability?, American Economic Review, Vol. 100(3), 1238-1260
    Falk, A. (with T. Dohmen, D. Hoffman and U. Sunde)
  • (2010): Debt consolidation and fiscal stabilization of deep recessions, American Economic Review, P&P, Vol. 100(2), 41-45
    Müller, G. (with G. Corsetti, K. Kuester and A. Meier)
  • (2011): Competition, risk-shifting and public bail-out policies, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 24, 2084-2120
    Hakenes, H. (with R. Gropp and I. Schnabel)
  • (2011): Modeling non-monotone risk aversion using SAHARA utility functions, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 146, 2075-92
    Chen, A. (with A. Pelsser and M. Vellekoop)
  • (2011): Negatively correlated bandits, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 78(2), 693-732
    Rady, S. (with N. Klein)
  • (2011): Optimal procurement contracts with pre-project planning, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 78(3), 1015-1041
    Krähmer, D. (with R. Strausz)
  • (2011): Performance pay and multi-dimensional sorting: productivity, preferences and gender, American Economic Review, Vol. 101, 556-590
    Dohmen, T. and A. Falk
  • (2011): Reference points and effort provision, American Economic Review, Vol. 101(2), 470-492
    Falk, A. (with J. Abeler, L. Götte and D. Huffmann)
  • (2011): Revenue maximization in the dynamic Knapsack problem", Theoretical Economics, 2011, Vol. 6, 157-184
    Moldovanu, B. (with D. Dizdar and A. Gershkov)
  • (2012): Optimal search, learning and implementation, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 147, 881-909
    Moldovanu, B. (with A. Gershkov)
  • (2012): The currency of reciprocity – giftexchange in the workplace, American Economic Review, Vol. 102, 1644-62
    Kube, S. (with C. Puppe and M. A. Maréchal)
  • (2012): The intergenerational transmission of risk and trust attitudes, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 79, 645-77
    Dohmen, T. and A. Falk (with D. Huffman, and U. Sunde)
  • (2013): Dynamic matching and bargaining games: a general approach, American Economic Review, Vol. 103, 663-89
    Lauermann, S.
  • (2013): On the equivalence of Bayesian and dominant strategy implementation, Econometrica, Vol. 81, 197–220
    Moldovanu, B. (with A. Gershkov, J. Goeree, A. Kushnir and X. Shi)
  • (2013): Specialization and partisanship in committee search, Theoretical Economics, Vol. 8, 751-774
    Moldovanu, B. (with X. Shi)
  • (2014): Bonus pools and the informativeness principle, European Economic Review, Vol. 66, 180-191
    Kräkel, M. and Imhof, L.
  • (2014): Stable marriages and search frictions, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 151, 163-195
    Lauermann, S. (with G. Nöldeke)
  • (2015): How does household portfolio diversification vary with financial sophistication and financial advice?, Journal of Finance, Vol. 70, 489-507
    Gaudecker, H.-M. von

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