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Modelling of Tactile Measures for Whole-Body Vibrations and Their Interaction with Psychoacoustical Measures

Subject Area Acoustics
Term from 2013 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 241641149
Humans perceive various combinations of acoustical and vibrational stimuli in everyday situations. Especially users of vehicles on roads and railways are exposed to a wide range of combinations of whole-body vibrations and sound. Quality of perception is increasingly important in product development. Nevertheless there are significant deficits modeling the assessment of quality of perception of the tactile modality compared to the auditive modality. Objective of this research project is to transfer approaches of the modeling of psychoacoustic measures to the definition and modeling of psychovibrational measures for whole-body vibrations, thus enabling a holistic vibro-acoustical approach. A multi-modal modeling of the influence of acoustical and vibrational signals allows for new ways in designing and valuation of products. Leveraging the knowledge of psychoacoustics, masking effects will be studied using test persons. Based on those results selected psychovibrational measures will be modeled. Furthermore the interaction of psychovibrational and psychoacoustical measures has to be considered to meet the requirements of complex vibro-acoustical designs. The models will be verified using signals from different everyday situations.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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