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Pilot Decontamination in Massive Multiantenna Systems

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 251880705
This research proposal aims to reduce the energy consumption of wireless communication systems while striving for higher data rates. A promising approach to this end are multi-antenna systems with a large number of antenna elements. In literature, these are commonly referred to as "massive" multi-antenna systems. Massive multi-antenna systems allow for a drastic reduction of radiated signal power. Most currently proposed systems suffer from an adverse effect called "pilot contamination". This effect is due to unavoidable reuse of pilot signal is adjacent cells and was believed by many researchers to be a fundamental shortcoming of massive multi-antenna systems. Recently, some of the applicants have outlined a method, referred to as "pilot decontamination" to overcome pilot contamination based on singular value decomposition and power control. Initial theoretical studies on the uplink channel indicate that the method is very powerful and that pilot contamination is not a fundamental effect, but can be overcome by means of nonlinear channel estimation. In this project, pilot decontamination shall be studied in greater detail. In particular, it shall be investigated how it can be utilized for downlink transmission and which handover protocols are suitable. Furthermore, it shall be studied how massive a multi-antenna system needs to be such that pilot decontamination will work reliably. Particular effort shall be devoted to find an efficient way to implement pilot decontamination in practice.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Finland, France

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