Higgs-Boson Paarproduktion am LHC
Final Report Abstract
In the first part of the project “Double Higgs Boson Production at the LHC” next-toleading order and next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to the production of Higgs boson pairs have been considered. One of the most important results is the matching coefficient of the effective operator between two gluons and two Higgs bosons. This was the last missing ingredient to the next-to-next-to-leading order cross section in the infinitetop mass limit. Furthermore, a method has been developed to obtain several expansion terms in the inverse top quark mass to the total production cross section. Although the expansion converges only close to the threshold the calculations provide an important benchmark for future exact calculations. The techniques developed for double Higgs production have been further developed and have been applied to the associated prodcution of and Z and a Higgs boson. For this process it could be shown that the region where the expansion shows good convergence properties covers approximately 25% of the cross section. There are furthermore a number of preliminary studies which are not yet published. Among them are ideas where the expansion for large top mass is complemted by highenergy expansions. Their combination can be used to construct simple approximations which can easily be integrated to obtain hadronic cross sections. In this context a certain class of two-loop box Feynman diagrams have been considered and the reduction to a minimal set of master integrals has been completed. These kind of considerations and calculations are also important for other processes and will thus be further developed in the future.
“Adequate bases of phase space master integrals for gg → h at NNLO and beyond,” JHEP 1409 (2014) 116
M. Höschele, J. Hoff and T. Ueda
“Virtual corrections to Higgs boson pair production in the large top quark mass limit,” Nucl. Phys. B 888 (2014) 17
J. Grigo, K. Melnikov and M. Steinhauser
“Decoupling of heavy quarks at four loops and effective Higgs-fermion coupling,” Phys. Lett. B 746 (2015) 330
T. Liu and M. Steinhauser
“Exact N3 LO results for qq H + X,” JHEP 1507 (2015) 140
C. Anzai, A. Hasselhuhn, M. Höschele, J. Hoff, W. Kilgore, M. Steinhauser and T. Ueda
“Higgs boson pair production: top quark mass effects at NLO and NNLO,” Nucl. Phys. B 900 (2015) 412
J. Grigo, J. Hoff and M. Steinhauser
“On top quark mass effects to gg → ZH at NLO,” JHEP 1701 (2017) 073
A. Hasselhuhn, T. Luthe and M. Steinhauser