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Regulatory control of phenotypic plasticity: Analysis of the molecular basis of stressor-induced adaptation processes in the aquatic keystone species Daphnia

Applicant Dr. Dörthe Becker
Subject Area Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions
Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
Evolution, Anthropology
Evolutionary Cell and Developmental Biology (Zoology)
Term from 2014 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 255211972
The proposed project aims to understand how the environment interacts with (and shapes) genomes, and how genome regulation and variation are linked to phenotypic plasticity and phenotypic evolution. It focuses specifically on the stage-dependent, tissue-specific and reversible morphological development of traits that are induced, in the new model organism, Daphnia pulex, by chemical signals from their environment. So far, our understanding of the mechanistic basis of common morphological variation such as phenotypic plasticity is only fragmentary as there has been relatively little success at identifying empirical patterns of cellular control mechanisms governing phenotypic variation. This is predominantly due to the fact that determining the genetic architecture of complex traits is challenging since plastic development typically does not rely on a few plasticity or robustness genes but rather arises from interactions between multiple environmentally sensitive components and pathways that might be controlled by many loci. To elucidate the cellular machineries that drive the expression of plastic responses at the molecular level, I will employ a unique combination of state-of-the-art omic methodologies and in silico approaches. To unravel the genomic underpinnings of plastic developmental responses planned research will make use of the outstanding model organism Daphnia pulex. In response to chemical cues released by predators (i.e., kairomones) this species exhibits an astonishing repertoire of inducible defences including developmental, stage dependent, tissue-specific and reversible de novo morphological formations. By conducting functional genomic assays across genotypes and developmental stages that differ in expression of the adaptive and plastic traits, the overarching goal of the proposed project is to provide novel insights into how organisms can and do respond to environmental challenges. Because Daphnia is a keystone species of ponds and lakes, this study will ultimately transform our current understanding of the buffering capacity of populations and ecosystems to environmental changes.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection United Kingdom

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