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Fundamentalgroup and crystals

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2014 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 262461915
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

We had three main themes on the relation between the fundamental group of varieties, notably over finite fields, and various types of isocrystals: Gieseker’s conjecture: vanishing of the étale fundamental group should force the infinitesimal crystals to be trivial. Recall we prove the conjecture on smooth projective varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 with Mehta, this was the starting point of the proposal. We progressed with V. Srinivas (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) proving a version of Gieseker’s conjecture on singular projective varieties over finite fields and a relative version. de Jong’s conjecture: vanishing of the étale fundamental group on smooth projective varieties over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 should force the isocrystals to be trivial. This is a very profound conjecture and we do not have yet a complete answer. Yet with Atsushi Shiho (Tokyo University) we could prove it under some restriction on the geometry of the variety (Annales de l’Insititut Fourier). On the way we proved a vanishing theorem on the crystalline Chern class of locally free (or convergent) isocrystals. This is the starting point of new studies, notably of Bhatt-Lurie. Deligne’s conjecture: on a smooth variety over a finite field we could prove, with Tomoyuki Abe (KAVLI, Tokyo University) the existence of ℓ-adic companions to overconvergent F-isocrystals. The method and the result were already used in a number of applications. Moreover Kedlaya proved afterwards the same theorem a using different method. Simpson’s conjecture: rigid complex local systems on smooth projective varieties are integral. We could use in a first proof isocrystals and their ℓ-adic companions to prove it with Michael Groechenig, and found later on a shorter proof solely based on Drinfeld’s ℓ-adic a companions. The result has a number of applications, e.g. in Köhler geometry.



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