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Carbonates under shock compression: stability, phase transitions, and chemical reactions with silicates

Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Term from 2015 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 242495784
The proposed project 05 is focused on the understanding of stabilities, phase transitions, formation of high pressure phases and chemical reactions of carbonates upon application of dynamic high pressures above 15 GPa. After fundamental studies on the pure synthetic carbonates of Ca, Mg and Sr, experiments with CaMg(CO3)2and FeCO3 as well as mixtures of these carbonates with selected silicate phases will follow. In parallel, the flyer-plate shock wave method well established in our laboratory will be further developed. In order to prevent carbon dioxide formation and recombination with oxides to the corresponding carbonates on the release path, we will use laminated flyer-plates allowing to apply pressures of > 200 GPa at relatively low temperatures without melding the specimens. In all cases full sample recovery is provided by an especially designed impedance corrected sample container. This will provide opportunities to use analytical techniques which require larger amounts such as bulk elemental analysis of light elements (C, O and H), powder-XRD with Rietveld analysis, solid-state NMR studies, thermal analysis investigations (TG-MS, DTA, DSC) and studies on the product morphologies. Besides, the products will be analyzed with the (in situ) techniques used for the diamond anvil cell samples of the other groups in the research unit FOR2125.
DFG Programme Research Units
Participating Person Professor Dr. Gerhard Heide

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