This book is a fundamental piece of social statistics, containing historical material which has been compiled at six universities within the joined research project called QUAKRI. Volume III (the book about 560 pages) is one of the series "Datenhandbücher der deutschen Bildungsgeschichte" with ten books already published.The introduction (86 pages) gives an overview of the modern growth of education as a process of our culture's scientification. The first part (150 pages) consists of five analyzing articles (about the school system in general, the "Vorschulen", teacher training and the schools for children with special needs). The analysis reflects four cornerstones of the development of the educational system: differentiation, integration, individualization and universalization. 27 summarizing tables follow in the second part of the book (100 pages) and give evidence of the development of the primary and lower secondary school system from the beginning of the 19th century till 1942/1943 in all German States. The third part of this publication (170 pages) allows an empirical conspectus into the development of the school system in each of the 24 (since 1920 17) different German States. The data presented show that since the Age of Enlightenment the systematic expansion of education is an important part of the development of modern societies. A CD with a data set of circa 1.2 Mio. figures and comments to the development of the school system in Germany till 1942/1943 isattached to the book.
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