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Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics of complex systems

Applicant Dr. Ralph Welsch
Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Term from 2014 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 268264102
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

In summary, during my postdoctoral scholarship I conducted research in three very different areas of physical chemistry, which all showed some interesting and important progress as well as valuable results published in high-level, peer-reviewed journals. Specifically, I showed that RPMD and CMD can be efficiently employed to study the quantum dynamics of systems associated with non-equilibrium initial conditions, how minute changes in hydrogen bonding networks can lead to surprising effects on ESIPT, and that the newly developed 2D-TTR spectroscopy is a valuable and versatile tool to investigate non-linearities and anharmonicities in liquid systems. On a more personal note, I familiarized myself with various new simulation methodologies like path-integral based methods, molecular dynamics approaches, excited-state electronic structure calculations, semi-classical transition state theory and polarizable continuum models. Furthermore, I got significant insight into various different areas of physical chemistry like non-equilibrium dynamics, condensedphase reactions, excited-state dynamics, several different forms of spectroscopy, like pump-probe spectroscopy, two-dimensional spectroscopy, and, Terahertz spectroscopy, as well as experience with multiple program packages (e.,g., Gaussian, Molpro, GROMACS, LAMMPS). Last, but not least, I gained a lot of experience in starting and maintaining collaborations with experimental and theoretical scientists. Thus, while I could not achieve all the goals set out in my original proposal, I think this post-doctoral work prepared me very well for a future career in academia.



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