competition for N in Forest Soils: Stabilization of Organic N in Recalcitrant Pools
Final Report Abstract
The focus of our research is the elucidation of major stabilization processes for soil organic nitrogen (SON) from soils investigated in the Research Unit. Soil samples from field as well as laboratory experiments were used to characterize nitrogen (N) partitioning in different soil compartiments. Results of a physical fractionation showed that SON stabilization is mainly controlled by interaction with the mineral phase. In the studied soil (Rendzic Leptosol), about 70% of SON is stored within the fine silt and clay fraction in organo-mineral associations and 24% is found in the labile particulate organic matter fraction (POM) consisting of (partly degraded) plant residues. For the investigation of the chemical composition of SON, bulk soil samples and soil fractions were studied by 15N NMR spectroscopy and wet chemical extraction. 15N NMR spectra revealed a dominance of peptide N structures within all soil fractions. This was also confirmed by high contents of extractable α-amino N contents that reached up to 75% of 13 total N within the investigated bulk soil samples. Results from C NMR spectroscopy point towards a relative low state of decomposition of SOM, which may be an explanation for the high contents of proteineous compounds. This study clearly demonstrates that SON stabilization through organo-mineral interaction is the major process for organic nitrogen (ON) storage in the investigated forest soil type. It will thus be the main process to be investigated with respect to competitive N partitioning in the studied forest ecosystem.
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