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Magnetic Resonance-based Entropy-Imaging in Oncology

Subject Area Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Term from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 272088757
The aim of this project is to obtain information about tumor heterogeneity and aggressiveness through application of thermodynamical entropy concepts on magnetic resonance imaging. Methodological development of entropy-based imaging might establish tumor entropy as a quantitative biomarker for tumor characterization. Quantitative measurements of tumor entropy will be used for follow-up examinations as well as evaluation of tumor aggressiveness (for instance tendency of metastasation). Essentially, tumor entropy correlates with the regularity of cell and capillary arrangement in cancerous tissue. While healthy tissue exhibits arrangements with a high degree of regularity, microscopic structure of tumorous tissue is almost always irregular. This fact can be used to quantify the corresponding local tissue entropy. The microscopic structure of the tumor, especially the arrangement of capillaries and resulting susceptibility effects and restricted diffusion around cells influence measured MR-signals in a characteristic way. Therefore, effects of susceptibility weighted imaging as well as aspects of diffusion weighted imaging are systematically incorporated. Mathematical analysis of the dephasing process in a local inhomogeneous magnetic field allows to relate measured MR-signal with the regularity of microstructural arrangements and hence to determine the entropy of cancerous tissue. Quantification of tumor entropy enables to quantify effects of anti-angiogenic therapy and cytostatic drugs or, more generally, to establish a novel concept of tumor response evaluation.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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