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GRK 2202:  Transport across and into membranes

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term since 2016
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 278002225
The internationally oriented RTG 2202 will continue to provide excellent training, individual supervision and interdisciplinary research in the field of "Transport across and into membranes" in order to qualify doctoral researchers and to promote their early scientific independence. Mass transfer and exchange of information with the environment and the maintenance of concentration gradientsacross the membrane are essential physiological processes in all living cells. These processes are based on specific protein-lipid interactions and their consequences for the biophysical properties of membranes, on the biogenesis and the integration of transport proteins into the membrane as well as on their mechanisms and on diffusion processes.The members of the RTG 2202 are recognised experts in the field of transport and have been working together intensively for many years. They cover the manifold aspects of membrane transport in its entirety. The doctoral researchers of the RTG from biology, chemistry, medicine and pharmacy have access to numerous innovative, complementary and “state-of-the-art” techniques as well as to theoretical methods of analysis. The integrative and interdisciplinary cooperation structure of the RTG enables doctoral researchers to develop a broad spectrum of skills providing them a wide selective advantage within the highly competitive job-market for scientists. The efficiently structured programme includes organised visits in laboratories abroad, special lecture series, soft skills and methods courses, autumn schools, and participation in and organisation of international conferences. The programme is embedded within the scientific core competences and training formats of the participating faculties. In the first funding period, a "fast-track" programme was established in the faculties that award a Master degree and that participate in the RTG. The very successful lecture series "Career and Development" and "Academia Meets Industry" were established.The University of Freiburg supports and promotes the development of modern equal opportunity structures. In this sense, our RTG continues to improve the compatibility of career and family, strengthen equality in science and supports young female scientists. The early scientific independence of selected postdoctoral researchers will be supported by start-up financing.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

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