Shape aware Computer Aided Tolerancing: A new methodical and computational framework for the assembly and mobility simulation based on Skin Model Shapes (ShapeCAN)
Final Report Abstract
Tolerance analysis offers a quantitative design tool for assessing the effects of inevitable geometrical part deviations on the function and quality of mechanical assemblies. Consequently, it enjoys wide acceptance in industry and is a prominent research issue. However, established tolerance analysis approaches and available commercial software packages imply severe shortcomings, particularly regarding the consideration of form deviations. Motivated by this, the concept of Skin Model Shapes has been developed as a novel paradigm for the geometrical variations modelling. In this context, the research project aimed at elaborating methods and tools for the generation, assembly, and kinematic analysis of rigid Skin Model Shapes for the use in computer-aided tolerancing. The main project results are approaches for the simulation and generation of Skin Model Shapes during early as well as later design stages, models for the contact and assembly simulation between rigid Skin Model Shapes, models for the simulation of the kinematic behavior of Skin Model Shape assemblies for motion tolerancing, and a computational platform as well as a methodological framework for the computer aided tolerance analysis based on Skin Model Shapes. Hence, the project was an important step towards a coherent and complete computer-aided tolerancing process.
A Quantitative Comparison of Tolerance Analysis Approaches for Rigid Mechanical Assemblies. Procedia CIRP, 43:172 – 177, 2016
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
Challenges of Geometrical Variations Modelling in Virtual Product Realization. Procedia CIRP, 60:116 – 121, 2017
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
Motion Tolerancing Based on Skin Model Shapes by Form Deviation Parametrization and Meta-Modelling. In ASME, editor, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6–9, 2017, Volume 1: 37th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, page V001T02A007, 2017
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
Skin Model Shapes: ein neuer Ansatz zur Toleranzsimulation auf Basis von Punktwolken und Oberflächennetzen / Skin Model Shapes: a Novel Approach for the Tolerance Analysis based on Point Clouds and Surface Meshes. Konstruktion, 69(4):85–90, 2017
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
An Approach to the Sensitivity Analysis in Variation Simulations considering Form Deviations. Procedia CIRP, 75:273 – 278, 2018
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
Gap hull estimation for rigid mechanical joints considering form deviations and multiple pairs of mating surfaces. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 128:444 – 460, 2018
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.
Novel approaches for the assembly simulation of rigid Skin Model Shapes in tolerance analysis. Computer-Aided Design, 101:1 – 11, 2018
Schleich, B. and Wartzack, S.