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Readjusting Masculinities. Consequences of the transformation of labor and changing gender relations

Subject Area Empirical Social Research
Sociological Theory
Term from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 280623772
The proposed research project explores the question, what consequences the interrelated change of labor and gender has on relations among men as well as on relations between men and women. Further, how these developments affect male life situations and dominant constructions of masculinity. These interrelations are in contrast to the effects on female life situations largely unexplored, even internationally. The focus of the study is the standard employment relationship, the standard life circle and the model of the breadwinner of the family. These patterns have in common that they produced relatively stable connections between paid work and masculinity. Furthermore, for those persons, who rely on them a (relatively) secure position in society was guaranteed. To the extent to which the close nexus of standard employment relationship, standard life circle and family breadwinner break up, the institutional fundaments of an industrial-societal masculinity are challenged. By using interpretative research methods, the study will explore if an industrial-societal masculinity still exists and/or with which (new/reconfigured) orientation pattern men try to produce habitual security. However, the change of labor and gender relations does not affect all men in the same manner and to the same extent. Therefore the study will differentiate according to various life situations and experiences. The research focuses on collective orientation patterns and individual ways of life, as well as their interrelation. The method of group discussion is particularly suitable for the analysis of collective orientation patterns. Additionally, biographical interviews are conducted to reconstruct life circles. The analysis is guided by a mix of synchronic and diachronic perspective and based on the documentary method of interpretation. Collective orientation patterns (group discussion, synchro-nous analysis) will be related to the genesis and change of orientations (biographical narrative, diachronic analysis).
DFG Programme Research Grants

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