In the last decade the publication of electronic dissertations has reached a broad dissemination in Germany. Most of them are published open access using institutional repositories. The publication of research data being the basis of research outcomes of dissertations should likewise follow the principles of open access and open science. The eDissPlus project aims to link research data and dissertations by means of enhanced publications. It supports doctoral candidates to manage, archive and publish research data by offering infrastructure services. After determining the doctoral candidates requirements for these services, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the German National Library being project partners in eDissPlus, will provide organizational workflows and guidelines. Furthermore technical solu-tions for metadata description, ingest, long-term preservation and publication of research data together with dissertations will be implemented. Thus the German National Library legal de-posit of dissertations will be expanded. All project results will be available and reusable.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)