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GRK 2240:  Algebro-geometric methods in algebra, arithmetic and topology

Subject Area Mathematics
Term since 2018
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 284078965
The main goal of the research training group "Algebro-Geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology" is the application of results and ways of thought of algebraic geometry to pure mathematics, and in particular to the nearby areas of algebra, arithmetic and topology. Usage of this sophisticated and powerful theory will by taught systematically to our doctoral students and should lead to outstanding dissertations. Homogeneous spaces, algebraic varieties in connection with representations of groups and moduli spaces of quiver representations remain central topics of study. New research topics include singularities, arithmetic groups and Chow-Witt groups. This reflects the research interests of the participating researchers, which lie in algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, arithmetic geometry, geometric representation theory, model theory and group theory. This covers an important and connected spectrum of pure mathematics. The different research groups at the two locations in Düsseldorf and Wuppertal have already been working together intensively for several years, and the different points of view and methods supplement each other very effectively. The bundling of the available expertise allows a training of doctoral students, which, in the desired depth and broadness, would be difficult to achieve at each of the locations alone. Our qualification programme includes, among other things, double supervisions, regular progress assessment, a weekly RTG day, summer schools, a scheme for guest researchers, research visits abroad, and the conveyance of key qualifications. It ensures an optimal support and development of our doctoral students, and should lead to outstanding dissertations and research papers.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Co-Applicant Institution Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Participating Institution Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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