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Der Auerberg IV. Die Kleinfunde mit Ausnahme der Gefäßkeramik sowie die Grabungen von 2001 und 2008.

Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
Term from 2015 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 287249174
The Auerberg dose to Bernbeuren with its church on the peak is not only a mountain dominating the area beyond the Alpes, but attracted also the Romans. At the beginning of the transalpine occupation, most likely from spring 13 AD onwards, they built here a large defended settlement, perhaps the first capital of the newly founded province Raetia. This settlement offen was the goal of archaeological excavations, in particular from 1968 to 1979 under Günter Ulbert, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG.Günter Ulbert presented 1994 his concept of the presentation of the results of the excavations on the Auerberg in four volumes. After an extensive history of research, the description and interpretation ofthe defensive system around the mountain, research in an unexpected extraordinary find group, parts of forms of the production of catapults, and various other finds and aspects of the Auerberg, settled in the early 1 cent. AD, he presented together with Werner Zanier and Gerhard Weber the structural remains (Volume II, 1997). Only two years later in the framework of a Ph.D. the pottery was presented by Christof Flügel as volume III (1999).In the now finished volume IV Günter Ulberts studies on the weapons and other metal finds including the fibulae and also the gem stones is the core. In a arge number of parts by well-known colleagues about all other find groups, in particular the coins and the glass, about the geology and geophysical prospection, but also about to later excavations in the 2000s including an extensive summary of all aspects and discussion of the place of the Auerberg in the historic frame of the occupation of the transalpine region (see enclosed table of contents) all relevant aspects of the Auerberg and its finds are presented to the scientific world. With these the research andpublication of the excavations, started 45 years ago, come to an end.
DFG Programme Publication Grants

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