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Investigations on AC losses of power cables by simulation and measurement

Subject Area Electrical Energy Systems, Power Management, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives
Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2016 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 289991964
With the expansion of high-voltage grids all around the globe, the use of power cables with large cross sections (larger than 1000 mm²) is rapidly increasing. In addition to the DC resistance of a cable, which is defined by the cross sections, the used material and the length of the conductor, a significant amount of AC losses can arise, when operating the cable at power frequency. With regard to the cables installed in the future, minor design optimizations can already lead to immense savings in power dissipation and hence in CO2 emissions.The AC losses are influenced by different design parameters. Due to the complex structure of the conductor, it is still challenging to reliably predict the performance of new conductor designs. The goal of this research project is the further development of tools, which are able to analyze these cables. In close cooperation of both working groups, simulations, analytical considerations and measurements will be refined and specifically tailored to power cables. In a first step comparative studies of recent calculation methods are performed, to subsequently enhance the well-known finite element analysis goal-oriented. At the same time present power cable conductors are examined by measurement, so that the results of both, measurement and simulation, validate each other.The results include an improved fundamental understanding of the interaction between various loss mechanisms in high-voltage power cable conductors. Moreover, the developed tools are expected to be suitable to derive energy saving design optimizations and to reliably predict the performance of any complex conductor.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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