Project Details
Small K+ channels are model proteins for detecting basic interactions between membrane proteins and their surrounding bilayer with relevance for structure and function
Professor Dr. Gerhard Thiel
Subject Area
Plant Biochemistry and Biophysics
from 2015 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 290743586
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
We believe that the systematic investigation of channel protein/lipid interactions in combination with high resolution structural data has provided clear cut and novel information on the understanding of the functional interplay between membrane proteins and bilayers. I also want to mention the successful collaboration with the group of Prof. Cantu in Milan. We were able to perform complementary experiments with the same protein under the same experimental conditions. This allows a direct correlation of functional with structural data.
(2018) Reconstitution and functional characterization of ion channels from nanodiscs in lipid bilayers. J. Gen Physiol. 150: 637-646
Winterstein, L.M. Kukovetz, K. Rauh, O., Turman, D.L. Braun, C., Moroni, A., Schroeder, I., Thiel, G.
(2018) Vectional K+ Channel insertion in a single phospholipid bilayer: Neutron Reflectometry and Electrophysiology in the joint exploration of a model membrane functional platform. BBA General Subject. 1862: 1742-1750
Rondelli, V., Del Favero, E., Brocca, P. Fragneto, G., Trapp, M., Mauri, L., Ciampa, M.G. Romani, G., Braun, C.J. Schroeder. I., Winterstein.L.M., Thiel, G., Moroni, A., Cantù, L.
(2019) Influence of different membrane types on the viral potassium channels KcvNTS, KcvS and Kmpv12T. Dissertation TU Darmstadt
Winterstein, L.