Directed transport within Hamiltonian dynamics: From theory to cold atoms experiments
Final Report Abstract
With this second phase of our funded project we continued to study directed transport in Hamiltonian systems which arc subjected to external driving, thereby taking the systems far away from equilibrium. The main focus has been on the directed transport in quantum systems that are subjected to unbiased, periodic time-dependent driving. In doing so, one can study a fully coherent non-equilibrium quantum transport in absence of decoherent and dissipative influences. The main results obtained were the controlled transport in a setup of only one atom which can be set into motion with its interaction with a starter atom. A temporal periodic driving induces new band structures, technically known as so termed Floquet bands. These Floquet bands allow for novel transport schemes that can not be archived otherwise. Our theoretical results have been devised so as to become experimentally validated. The optimal validation scheme are ultra cold atoms that can be manipulated with external time-dependent forces by use of time-dependent modulated counter-propagating optical lattice beams. Our studies resulted in two specific Theory- Experiment collaborations with the findings jointly published. Naturally, there remain several open issues that remained untouched in our studies. Most importantly among these are the role of higher spatial dimensions and the intriguing role of strong interactions amongst the cold atoms. Although in part already addressed within our published works the interplay of time-dependent driving and (quantum) dissipation presents a formidable challenge which calls for improved treatments beyond the weak-to-moderate coupling regime in presence of (strong) external driving.
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