Exploitation and Transfer of Results of the SPP 1239
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 30552128
This project comprises the identification, exploitation and the transfer ofresults and findings ofthe priority program SPP 1239into industrial cooperation, innovation and marketable technology. It is intended to build up a support for scientists working in SPP 1239. For this purpose a transfer manager will be installed in an existing transfer group using its established skills and experiences for SPP 1239. It is intended to scout the colloquia and focus meetings for results that may be used in industrial application. The interdisciplinary approach ofthe project, comprising material engineers, mathematicians and physicists, requires exchange ofknowledge that may bring up new innovation and technology. In the first place information and results have to be identified that may be relevant to application. On the one hand, these have to be presented to and discussed with persons from industry, on the other hand, it has to be checked whether these information contain practible or patentable issues. One aim will be to attract representatives from industry to participate in the scientific network of SPP 1239. Opportunities for industrial cooperation shall be identified, the creation of cooperation will be assisted. The creation of spin-offs might be a final resort for exploitation of results.