Project Details
Coherent Spin Dynamics in 2D Arrays of Rydberg Atoms
Professor Dr. Gerhard Birkl
Subject Area
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
from 2016 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 316211382
This project is aiming towards establishing a new paradigm forRydberg many-body physics. It draws its strength from the uniquefeatures of our single-atom based many-body Rydberg architecture,which has not been available in other implementations so far: We willplace well defined sets of up to a few hundred single rubidium atomsat exactly defined locations in re-configurable 2D and layered 3Dgeometries, based on dipole trap arrays with single-siteaddressability. Individual atoms in the array can be excited to aRydberg state by an optical two-photon transition. Simultaneously,other Rydberg states are accessible by applying a microwave field incombination with an addressing light field. This unique platform willenable us to exploit van-der-Waals type interactions between atoms inthe same Rydberg state as well as resonant dipolar interactionsbetween atoms in two different Rydberg states. Full control of thegeometry in up to three dimensions, interaction parameters, and atomnumber allows us to engineer effective spin-1/2 Hamiltonians withIsing-type interactions (van der Waals) and XY-type interactions(dipolar). During the temporal evolution of the system we maintain ahigh level of control of the internal and external states of the atoms.This enables us to gain novel insight in the dynamical behavior of thequantum many-body system.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Subproject of
SPP 1929:
Giant Interactions in Rydberg Systems (GiRyd)