The experimental part of sub-project 1 concentrates on the preparation of special electrodes with which the reaction zone between liquid electrolyte and gaseous reactants during oxygen reduction and CO2 electrolysis can be controlled. Furthermore, the relationship between electrode structure and overvoltage during the newly included CO2 reduction reaction shall be quantified in systematic measurements. For this purpose, an improved half cell design is required. Together with TP3 Roth and TP7 Schuhmann, the experimental data for the CO2 electrolysis will be determined.The theoretical part of sub-project 1 concentrates on the further improvement of the stationary model for the coupling of electrochemical reaction and transport processes in GDE. For this purpose, a more detailed intrinsic kinetics for oxygen reduction (and later also for CO2 reduction) will be obtained from TP6 Vidakovic-Koch while the real electrolyte distribution in the working GDE is measured in TP4 Manke and simulated in TP5 Nieken. Only based on this information can a model without any fitting parameters be developed. The simulated results shall also be validated with spatially resolved measurements in TP7 Schuhmann. Finally, the possible combination of the developed steady-state model with dynamic models from TP2 Krewer will be elucidated.
DFG Programme
Research Units