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Scholarly Knowledge, Journey, Records. Hieronymus Münzer in the knowledge society of Nuremberg in the 15th century. Concluding research grant for the preparation of the index.

Subject Area Medieval History
Term from 2016 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 317533451
The edition and critical annotation of the travelogue of Hieronymus Münzer from the years 1494/95, the DFG project Gelehrtes Wissen. Reisen. Aufzeichungen. Hieronymus Münzer in der Nürnberger Wissensgesellschaft des 15. Jahrhunderts, is already complete. This edition is the basis for the actual application for a research grant. This application for a research grant serves to draw up three annotated indices which will considerably facilitate the access to the complete edition for the prospective users. The indices are as follows: First, an annotated index of persons with short and additional information about important biographical details. Second, a location index, containing the actual and obsolete toponyms. Third, a subject index with clarifications of terminology and foreign-language expressions. These indices make the edition more accessible to a broader field of research, as they facilitate the connectivity with different disciplines. In addition they promote a wide interdisciplinarity and support the planned electronic version.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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