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Untersuchung des Zusammenhanges zwischen der Funktion pflanzlicher microRNAs und der DNA-Methylierung des PHABULOSA Locus in Arabidopsis thaliana

Subject Area Plant Genetics and Genomics
Term from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 31968340
Final Report Year 2010

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • (2007) A feedback regulatory module formed by LITTLE ZIPPER and HD-ZIPIII genes. Plant Cell 19, 3379-90
    Wenkel S, Emery J, Hou BH, Evans MM, Barton MK
  • Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Beijing, China, 20-23 June 2007
    Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Kathy Barton
  • Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. 4th tri-national Arabidopsis Meeting, September 12-15, Vienna, Austria, 2007
    Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Kathy Barton
  • Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. Botanikertagung Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007
    Stephan Wenkel
  • Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. Western Section ASPB meeting, Davis February 2-3, 2007
    Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Bi-Huei Hu, Khar-Wai Lye, Matthew M.S. Evans and Kathy Barton
  • Analysis of the LITTLE ZIPPER gene family in Arabidopsis. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Montreal, Canada, 2008
    Stephan Wenkel and Kathryn Barton
  • UnZIPping Leaf polarity. 18. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie, Hannover, Germany, March 25-28, 2009
    Stephan Wenkel

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