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Analysis of key proteins involved in stomatal signaling using a novel nanobody technology.

Subject Area Plant Physiology
Cell Biology
Term from 2016 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 321623697
Stomatal pores are formed by pairs of specialized guard cells regulating CO2 influx into plants and minimizing transpirational water loss of plants. Studies over the last decades revealed key functions of proton pumps, K+- and anion channels in regulating stomatal movement in response to environmental stresses. However, key questions into how protein trafficking of these proteins during stress-induced expression proceeds remain unanswered. These issues will be addressed by combining i) establishment of a powerful innovative antibody (nanobody) technology in plants using a novel nanobody technology developed by co-host Prof. Dr. G. Chang, ii) immunological detection of proton pumps, K+channels and the anion-channel SLAC1 and iii) monitoring protein trafficking of the immunologically labeled proteins using real time kinetics in response to environmental stimuli. I will pursue post doctoral research and receive excellent interdisciplinary training in the two laboratories of Prof. Dr. J. Schroeder (Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego) and Prof. Dr. G. Chang (School of Medicine, UC San Diego) to succeed in this novel and innovative project.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection USA

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