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Precision plasmonics: Investigating the onset of quantum effects in gold nanoparticle dimers

Applicant Dr. Jun Hee Yoon
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation
Term from 2016 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 322224412
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The aim of this project was elucidating the onset of the quantum plasmonic effect. However, unexpected new results (the LBDP mode blue-shift of non-ideal dimer) in the classical regime were found. To find the reason, we investigated (i) which factors make ideal dimers plasmonically different from non-ideal dimers (conventionally prepared experimental dimers) and (ii) why ideal dimers are essential for comparison with theoretical models. We emphasize that the original objectives of the project can be conducted after finishing it.


  • Ideal Dimers of Gold Nanospheres for Precision Plasmonics: Synthesis and Characterization at the Single-Particle Level for Identification of Higher Order Modes. Small 2018, 14, 1702754
    Yoon, J. H.; Selbach, F.; Langolf, L.; Schlücker, S.
    (See online at
  • Surface Plasmon Coupling in Dimers of Gold Nanoparticles: Experiment and Theory for Ideal (Spherical) and Non-ideal (Faceted) Building Blocks. ACS Photonics 2019, 6, 642
    Yoon, J. H.; Selbach, F.; Schlücker, S.
    (See online at

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