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A Generalized Matched Filter Framework for Cellular Massive MIMO Networks

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2016 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 325433099
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

In this project, we investigated massive MIMO systems, i.e., wireless communication systems where the base station is equipped with a large number of antenna elements, e.g., 100 or even more antennas, developed solutions for both, the uplink and the downlink transmissions, and analyzed the bounds for the possible spectral e ciencies of such systems. The key ingredient of our studies was the employment of the concept of the generalized matched filter which is based on a linear transformation of the channel estimate where the linear transformation is a function of the channel covariance matrices. The main challenge for massive MIMO systems is called pilot contamination where the channel estimates contain systematic errors due to the limited number of available training sequences. In the studies of the project, we observed that the pilot contamination can successfully be suppressed or even eliminated. This observation was suprising since the capabilities of the generalized matched filter merely come from the utilization of the channel covariance matrices. Additionally, this observation was supported by our theoretical study of the high signal-tonoise ratio regime. Since the dimensionality of the problems is very large due to the large number of antenna elements, we also investigated the application of existing approximations exploiting properties due to the antenna array structure to reduce computational complexity. The result of the corresponding studies was twofold. Firstly, the resulting complexity is tremendously reduced. Secondly, the approximation e↵ects the perfomance only marginally. As the generalized matched filter strongly depends on the knowledge of the channel covariance matrices, we also considered the problem of estimating these covariance matrices although the channel estimates contain errors due to pilot contamination. Again, we proposed low complexity solutions for this problem and discussed the allocation of pilot sequences to optimize a network-wide utility function. In the second half of the project, we put our focus on systems with frequency duplex that have a considerable practical importance but lead to the problem that the channel estimates in the uplink cannot be directly used as estimates in the downlink. We investigated a method to transfer the estimates of the channel covariance matrices obtained in the uplink to estimates in the downlink. Moreover, we proposed a method to optimize the whole massive MIMO system not only for an isolated cell taking into account the power restrictions of all base stations.



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