Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
In conclusion, we here present a strategy involving path-based centrality measures to describe dynamic rewiring of cellular protein-protein interaction networks in response to external stimuli. This approach identified AT5G49770 as a novel player in nitrate-induced responses, which was corroborated by phenotypic analysis. We expect the use of path-based centrality measures to be a powerful strategy also in the analysis of dynamic responses of cellular networks to other stresses and stimuli. Furthermore, we were able to implement several techniques such as three-fluorophor intensity-based FRET and FRET-FILM as well as PALM-based SRM methods in living plant cells.
(2017) Highly Efficient Single-Step Enrichment of Low Abundance Phosphopeptides from Plant Membrane Preparations. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1673
Wu XN, Xi L, Pertl-Obermeyer H, Li Z, Chu LC, Schulze WX
(2019) Global Identification of Protein Complexes within the Membrane Proteome of Arabidopsis Roots Using a SEC-MS Approach. Journal of Proteome Research, 18: 107-119
Gilbert M, Schulze WX
(2019) Quantitative description and computational modelling of the BRI1 response module controlling root cell elongation growth – from organ-scale to nanodoamins. Doctoral Degree (rer. nat.)
Glöckner, Nina
(2021) A modular, comprehensive microscopy platform for modern live cell imaging. Doctoral Degree (rer. nat.)
Zur Oven-Krockhaus, Sven
(2021) Comparison of path-based centrality measures in protein-protein interaction networks revealed proteins with phenotypic relevance during adaptation to changing nitrogen environments. Journal of Proteomics, PMID: 33453437
Gilbert M, Li Z, Wu XN, Rohr L, Gombos S, Harter K, Schulze WX
(2021) Prediction of protein-protein complexes by combining size exclusion chromatography and mass spectrometric analysis. Doctoral Degree (rer. nat.)
Gilbert, Max
(2021) Three-fluorophore FRET-FLIM enables the study of trimeric protein interactions and complex formation with nanoscale resolution in living plant cells
Glöckner N, Zur Oven-Krockhaus S, Wackenhut F, Burmeister M, Wanke F, Holzwart E, Wolf S, Harter K
DFG Programme
Research Grants