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Entwicklung kombinierter EEG/MEG Beamformer Methoden auf der Basis hoch realistischer Kopfvolumenleitermodelle sowie deren Evaluation anhand der Untersuchung des 'prefrontal-thalamic sensory gating' Systems und möglicher Störungen dieses Systems bei schizophrenen Patienten

Subject Area Human Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
Term from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 33402169
Final Report Year 2011

Final Report Abstract

We proposed new methodologies for inverse source analysis of EEG, MEG and the combination of both EEG and MEG data. Only small changes were necessary to the planned methodological program, while the main proposed goals from the project proposal were achieved. Furthermore, very innovative new methodologies could be developed. In summary, the most important achieved results and developed techniques for the methodological part are: • new non-linear registration approaches for EPI MRI data (such as DT-MRI and fMRI) and for PET data • new FE method based EEG and MEG forward approaches with resolutions, accuracies and computational speed, that seemed impossible before • automatic tetrahedralization and hexahedralization meshing procedures for FE source analysis • sensitivity analysis showing the importance of modeling skin, skull compacta, skull spongiosa, CSF and anisotropic grey and white matter for the EEG and MEG forward and inverse problem • BeamFem, a new technique for EEG and MEG source analysis for the reconstruction of sources that are not correlated in time • New Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling (HBM) techniques for the reconstruction of brain networks that involve deep and superficial sources (time-correlated sources not excluded) • Comparison of a variety of CDR approaches (MNE, sLORETA, HBM) showing the superiority of our developed HBM techniques • A new technique for calibrating realistic head models for a combined analysis of EEG and MEG data



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