Since 2013 astronomers from Hamburg Observatory and the Universidad de Guanajuato have together been operating the TIGRE facility, a robotic and spectroscopic telescope dedicated to the study of long-term monitoring of various types of stars, working in close collaboration with theoretical experts for atmospheric modeling and evolution models. The collaboration between the two institutes has been extremely fruitful and has already resulted in a variety of publications in a variety of different fields in astrophysics. In response to the call for proposals issued by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) in July 2016 to fund joint German-Mexican research projects we seek financial support to continue our successful German-Mexican collaboration. We specifically ask for support for travel and publication costs in our endeavor to tackle the following scientific issues:Chromospheric activity level and rotation periods: Beyond the Mount Wilson sampleStellar activity periods and dynamo modes across the HRDStellar activity properties of giantsStatistical analysis of time domain dataExtremely high-resolution spectroscopy of target starsQuantitative diagnostics of TIGRE targets by PHOENIX and evolution modelsBinary stars with phase dependent phenomena and exotic objects
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection