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Methods for the utilization of endless fibre reinforced nano-composites for complex structures

Subject Area Plastics Engineering
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 232311024
Subproject 6 finds its place at the end of the process chain in the research group 2021. The work concentrates on the influence of nano-scaled particles in fiber composites structures. In addition to the research in subproject 1-5 the focus is not on the pure material level but on the investigation of more complex structures. Especially the effects of an increasing geometrical complexity on the manufacturability and properties of endless fiber reinforced composites are investigated. The objective is to study if there are effects in geometrically challenging components, for example by altered stress states or locally different fiber compaction that are not observed in simple coupon samples. As an exemplary structural detail a bracket and as a more complex component a C-frame are observed. Particular attention is laid on the injection behavior, damage tolerance (impact performance) and dimensional stability of the components after demolding. By merging this experimental work with the results from the other subprojects a comprehensive assessment of the potential of nano-scaled particles in fibre composite structures will be performed.
DFG Programme Research Units

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