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Guiding Attention by Stimuli at Graphical Complex, Dynamical User Interfaces in the Peripheral Visual Fixation Field

Subject Area Human Factors, Ergonomics, Human-Machine Systems
Term from 2017 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 358406233
In the current research project signals were identified which are recognisable well in a wide angle of the peripheral field of view. These are signals with a high frequency and high lighting contrast. The sample size of N = 52 participants followed a wide range of different ages. So this sample was resembling a currend working population. Hence, a significant part of the sample was older than 45 years. This older part of the sample showed a significant worse detection of the signals in the higher angles of the peripheral field if view. Scientific research of several autors shows, that there is indeed an age-induced impairment of the peripheral view. This is based on physiological changes in the retina. Some research showed, that sufficiend sized signals might be possible to be detected well even for an older population until the borders of the periperal field. Therefore we are planning to conduct a follow-up study with an older sample and different signals. With the new signals we planning on reaching the good level of perception of the youger part of the sample. The neccessity of age-appropriate workplace design is facilitated by the demographic change. This change results into a need for keeping older workers employed longer. The new variables will be "size" and an rotating effect. These variables were chosen based on previous knowldge existing that they might be of promising outcome. A sample size of 21 participants is planned this time.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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