Project Details
Einfluss des osmotischen Potenzials auf die mechanische Bodenstabilität - ein rheologischer Ansatz zur Quantifizierung skalenübergreifender Prozesse in der Bodenkunde
Professor Dr. Rainer Horn
Subject Area
Soil Sciences
from 2007 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 36411742
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Rheological as well as zeta potential measurements led to a reliable consistency of micromechanical and surface charge properties of the investigated clayey Salorthidic Fluvaquents. Stiffness degradation could be quantified by applying amplitude sweep tests, and they were complemented by zeta potential results. Both methods showed a higher degree of dispersion on the topsoil of the natural Salorthidic Fluvaquent in comparison to the reclaimed, Ca amended site. Hence, if effects of amelioration on saline-sodic soils need to be determined, rheology supplemented by PCD measurements is a useful tools to explain physicochemical processes between particles of colloidal (<1 µm) to micro-aggregate size (<250 µm).
(2007). Scanning Electron Microscopy – Energy Dispersive Scan Analyses and Rheological Investigations of South-Brazilian Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 851-859
Markgraf, W., Horn, R.
(2009). Rheological Investigations in Soil Micro Mechanics: Measuring Stiffness Degradation and Structural Stability on a Particle Scale. S. 237-279, In: Gragg, L.P., and J. M. Cassell (Hrsg.): Progress in Management Engineering. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-1-60741-310-3
Markgraf, W., Horn, R.
(2010). Kapitel Methoden in der Bodenmechanik – Rheologie. In: Blume, H.-P., Felix-Henningsen, P., Fischer, W. R., Frede, H.-G., Horn, R., Stahr, K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Bodenkunde. Loseblattsammlung. 29. Ergänzung
Markgraf, W., Horn, R.
(2011). Influence of organic matter on rheological properties of soil. J. Appl. Clay Sci. Special Issue of the 21st ACMS Conference
Markgraf, W., Watts, C. W., Whalley, W. R., Hrkac, T., Horn, R.
(2011). Rheology in Soils. S. 700-704, In: Glinski, J., Horabik J., and J. Lipiec (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, Springer
Markgraf, W.