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Topological complexity and dynamical invariants

Applicant Dr. Maik Gröger
Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2017 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 382551554
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The general goal of this project was to obtain a better understanding of systems in the zero entropy regime. Thereby, we put a particular focus on systems which have close connections to the low-complexity notions of mean equicontinuity and amorphic complexity. In the course of the project, we gained a lot of insights in how precisely these two notions intertwine and we were able to set up their general theory in the realm of locally compact σ-compact amenable group actions. By doing this, we also showed why these notions play out particular well for systems having discrete spectrum with continuous eigenfunctions. In fact, this turns out to be crucial because these kind of systems take up a key position in the theory of mathematical quasicrystals. Moreover, we observed an intimate relationship between amorphic complexity and fractal geometry which in turn allowed us to deploy geometric methods from the general theory of fractal dimensions and iterated function systems to compute amorphic complexity for zero entropy symbolic dynamics, in particular, substitutive subshifts. These geometric methods also allowed us to obtain general upper bounds for amorphic complexity of Delone dynamical systems which naturally relate to mathematical quasicrystals, too. Finally, let us stress, that a substantial part of this project was also devoted to obtain many new examples of mean equicontinuous group actions. In doing so, we established intriguing relations to topological full groups and to self-similar groups, like the Basilica and Grigorchuk group, from geometric group theory.



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