GSC 144: Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)
Final Report Abstract
We are proud to state that the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS) kept its promises throughout its funding periods in the Excellence Initiative and developed into an outstanding early career research-oriented training institution in African studies. BIGSAS sustainably impacted the university as a whole by establishing excellent commitment for (a) doctoral culture(s) with truly international and diverse teaching and trans-continental learning structures. Pioneering measures for gender and diversity in BIGSAS provided a university-wide example. With respect to transdisciplinary collaboration and outreach to civil society BIGSAS highlighted the Third Mission of the University of Bayreuth (UBT). The first five years of BIGSAS (2007-2012) were characterized by the following objectives: to bring together excellent young African and non-African scholars to work jointly in the field of African studies, to offer a center of creative and innovative PhD training and research in Germany and develop an international strategic network committed to excellent research-oriented doctoral training structures that connect countries in Africa with Germany and Europe. Due to the successful implementation of unequaled opportunities for young international researchers in the global landscape of African studies, BIGSAS was awarded its second phase (2012-2017) to then further invigorate exceptional early career research by connecting the outstanding transcontinental academic expertise of meanwhile seven universities – six of them on the African continent. It was furthermore possible to step beyond conventional lines of thought by developing and implementing new transdisciplinary action as well as creating new interfaces between humanities and engineering sciences. The university supported the successful course with the new professorships ‘Culture and Technology in Africa’, ‘Media in Africa’ and ‘African Politics and Development Policy’. In its 12th year of existence (2019), the BIGSAS network with its six Partner Universities (PUs) in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique and South Africa has proven a mature and sustainable transcontinental network, which promotes mutual learning, thereby enhancing research capacities in Africa and Europe. Moreover, the BIGSAS network added value by successfully launching the European-funded Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme AMAS. Until December 31, 2018, all in all, 221 young researchers worked on their doctoral projects at BIGSAS. Out of this number, 138 alumni form an active alumni network that celebrated its potential as a think tank in November 2018 during the first alumni meeting on the African continent. At present, 80 doctoral students benefit from BIGSAS and its innovative approach to joint academic training, joint learning, joint research and joint development of future higher education structures: the credo of ‘Research on Africa only with Africa’ consequently led to critical reflection of area studies and to the desideratum of ‘Reconfiguring African Studies’ for the next step of excellence within the framework of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence.
Link to the final report
2016. Vigilantism, State, and Society in Plateau State, Nigeria: A History of Plural Policing (1950 to the Present)
Lar, Jimam Timchang
Reproductive Dilemmas in the Pro-natalist Sudan: Perception of Causes, Treatment Practices, and Consequence of Female Infertility in the Town of Tamboul
Al Hadi, Abu Baker Ahmed Abdel Rahman
2009. Articulation du discours dans le Songhay : Une analyse des connecteurs dans le discours des Songhay-Zarmas émigrés en Côte d’Ivoire. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, 42
Boukari, Oumarou
2010. Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe. Gespräche über Ungesagtes in Kumasi und Endwa, Ghana. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 44
Bochow, Astrid
2010. Kindheit, Autobiografik und Interkulturalität. Ein Beitrag zur sprachübergreifenden und (kon-)textorientierten Literaturtheorie. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 46
Nyada, Germain
2010. Refugee Women and the Experiences of Local Integration in Nairobi, Kenya
Jaji, Rosemary
2011. Inter-firm Relationships and Governance Structures: A Study of the Ethiopian Leather and Leather Products Industry Value Chain. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 48
Megento, Tebarek Lika
2011. Le Mythe de l’Abinos dans les Récits Subsahariens Francophones. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 49
Dodounou, Tsevi
2011. On the Poetics of the Utendi: A Critical Edition of the Nineteenth-Century Swahili Poem “Utendi wa Haudaji” together with a Stylistic Analysis. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 50
Vierke, Clarissa
2011. Women's Life Worlds 'In-Between'. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 7 (BIGSASworks! 1)
Antje Daniel, Katharina Fink, Lena Kroeker & Jaana Janßen (geb. Schütze) (eds)
2012. Les Touaregs du Tassili n Ajjer : Mémoires collective et organisation sociale. Algier: CNRPAH 17
Badi, Dida
2012. Trends, Discourses and Representations in Religions in Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 9 (BIGSASworks! 2)
Meron Zeleke Eresso & Halkano Abdi Wario (eds)
2013. Challenging Notions of Development and Change from Everyday Life in Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 11 (BIGSASworks! 4)
Girum Getachew Alemu & Peter Narh (eds)
2013. Corporate Social Responsibility Conduct/Disclosure in the Experience of Sudanese Islamic Banks, 2008-2010
El-Hassab, Omer Ahmed
2013. The Izala Movement in Nigeria: Its Split, Relationship to Sufis and Perception of Sharīʿa Re-Implementation
Ben Amara, Ramzi
2013. The making of meaning in Africa: Word, Image and Sound. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 10 (BIGSASworks! 3)
Duncan Omanga & Gilbert Ndi Shang (eds)
2013. The Re-implementation of Sharia in Northern Nigeria and the Education of Muslim Women 1999-2007
Danfulani, Chikas
2014. A New Institutional Economics Approach to Smuggling. Bayreuth: NMP- Verlag
Morisho, Nene
2014. Etude du ngbem, parler gangam de Koumongou. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 54
Bakpa, Mimboabe
2014. Kulturtransfer in der Übersetzung von Literatur und Film. Sembène Ousmanes Novelle Niiwam und deren Verfilmung Niiwam. Der lange Weg. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag
Ndong, Louis
2014. L’intraduisible en question: Problématique linguistique africaine et décolonisation conceptuelle, une lecture critique. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag
Brahima, Abraham
2014. Narrative Voice and Focalization in the Narration of Generational Conflicts in Selected Kiswahili Novels
Wafula, Magdaline Nakhumicha
2014. Networking the Nomads: A Study of Tablīghī Jamāʿat among the Borana of Northern Kenya
Wario, Halkano Abdi
2014. The Job Hunt: Return Migration and Labour Market Entries of Ghanaian and Cameroonian Graduates from German Universities. Wien: World University Service
Boger, Julia
2014. The Media in Society: Religious Radio Stations, Socio-Religious Discourse and National Cohesion in Tanzania
Ng’atigwa, Francis Xavier
2014. Transgression in Swahili Narrative Fiction and its Reception. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 56
Tchokothe, Rémi
2014. Zwischen Suffering und Styling: Die lange Reise nigerianischer Migrantinnen nach Europa. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 53, ISBN: 9783643116734
Kastner, Kristin
2015. Actors, Institutions and Change: Perspectives on Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 13 (BIGSASworks! 5)
Matthew Sabbi & Jane Ayeko-Kümmeth (eds)
2015. Faith at the Crossroads: Religious Syncretism and Dispute Settlement in Northern Ethiopia. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, ISBN 978447103534
Eresso, Meron Zeleke
2015. Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana and Uganda: Development and Application of the Achievement Stages Model. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 59
Flosbach, Johannes
2015. Forced Removal and Social Memories in North-western Zimbabwe, c1900-2000
Marowa, Ivan
2015. In between Life and Death: Decision-making of HIV+ Mothers in Lesotho. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 61
Kroeker, Lena
2015. Institutional Interaction in Environmental Governance: A Study on Teak Farming and Sand Winning in Dormaa, Ghana. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag
Narh, Peter
2015. Kleinhandel unter schwierigen institutionellen Voraussetzungen – Reaktionen, Strategien und Lösungen der Händler auf dem Chisokone-Markt in Kitwe/Sambia
Brinkmann, Felix
2015. La traite des enfants en Afrique: L‘application des conventions internationales relatives aux droits de l‘enfant en République du Bénin. Paris: L’Harmattan
Bello, Sakinatou
2015. Le senar (lange senufo du Burkina Faso): éléments de description et d’influence du jula véhiculaire dans un contexte de contact de langues. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag
Traoré, Daouda
2015. Logiques sociales de la solidarité envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, ISBN: 9783736991187
Coulibaly, Nonlourou Marie Paule Natogoma
2015. Militarization in Post-1986 Uganda: Politics, Military and Society Interpretation. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 58
Kagoro, Jude
2015. Modernizing Indigenous Priesthood and Revitalizing Old Shrines: Current Developments on Ghana’s Religious Landscape
Nrenzah, Genevieve
2015. Pilgrimages and Syncretism: Religious Transformation among the Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia
Geda, Gemechu J.
2015. Society and Nature in the Lower River Nyando Basin, Kenya
Bloemertz, Lena
2015. The Perception of HIV/AIDS among Students in Nigeria. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 55
Bello, Baba Mai
2015. Traces d’enfance: Analyse littéraire de trois recueils francophones de récits d’enfance. München: AVM. Edition
El Naggare, Maroua
2015. Un/doing Sophiatown: Contemporary Reverberations of a Myth and in a Suburb. Bayreuth: Himmelgrün. ISBN: 9783981728705
Fink, Katharina
2016. (Re)Mapping Luanda. Utopische und nostalgische Zugänge zu einem kollektiven Bildarchiv. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 75
Siegert, Nadine
2016. Description comparative des langues du sous-groupe Bia Nord: agni, baule, anufo
Kozi, Bonson Marie Laure
2016. Die Ordnung hinter der Ordnung. Ethnographie einer islamischen Geheimwissenschaft. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 74
Kuhn, Tobias
2016. Dispute Settlement in Eastern Guinea-Bissau. Self- Presentations, Stories and Agency. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 72
Borszik, Anne-Kristin
2016. Dynamics behind Persistent Images if “the Other”: The Interplay between Imaginations and Interactions in Maasau Cultural Tourism. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 76
Wijngaarden, Vanessa
2016. Ethnotourismus in der Kalahari. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 65
Scheffler, Jennifer
2016. Generationen-Bande. Ordnung, Praxis und Geschichte der Generationenbeziehungen bei den Lama (Kabiyé) im nördlichen Togo. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 70
Häberlein, Tabea
2016. Housing Finance Strategies of Informal Settlement Dwellers. Factors of Influence and Impacts of Planned Interventions in Dar es Salaam. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 68
Rudic, Christiane
2016. Identity and Lifestyle Construction in Multi-ethnic Shantytowns. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 64
Bakhit, Mohamed A. G.
2016. L’environnementalisme en Afrique francophone. La representation de l’environnement. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag
Koto, Yawo Mensah M.
2016. Managing Risk and Securing Livelihood. The Karrayu Pastoralists, their Environment and the Ethiopian State. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, Erdkundliches Wissen 159
Alemu, Girum G.
2016. Narrating the Self and Nation in Kenyan Autobiographical Writings. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 63
Ndogo, Samuel
2016. Organisation – Vernetzung – Bewegung. Frauenbewegungen in Kenia und Brasilien. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 62
Daniel, Antje
2016. Possessivos e seus Domínios Conceituais. Enfoque sobre as línguas do grupo banto. Rio de Janeiro: Publit
Aráujo, Paulo Jeferson Pilar
2016. Religion and Space: Perspectives from African Experiences. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 15 (BIGSASworks! 6)
Serawit Bekele Debele & Justice Anquandah Arthur (eds)
2016. Spectacles of Displacement. Institutional and Vernacular Photography on Refugees in Dadaab, North-Eastern Kenya
Chepngetich, Pamela
2016. Surviving in a Conflict Environment: Market Women and Changing Socioeconomic Relations in Jos Nigeria – 2001-2010
Bonkat, Lohna
2016. The Local and Global Dynamics of Moroccan Music Festivals
El Maarouf, Moulay Driss
2016. The Media and Terrorism. Editorial Cartoons, Framing and Legitimacy in the Kenyan Press, 1998-2008. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 67
Omanga, Duncan Mainye
2016. The State of the Nation. “Businification” of Political Rhetoric in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 60
Turner, Irina
2016. The Transformation of Aladura Christianity in Nigeria
Baiyewu, Timothy
2016. Towards a History of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Ethiopia since the 1960s
Hailu, Aychegrew H.
2016. Undeveloped Adaptation. Climate Risks, Vulnerability and Household Well-Being in Mwingi/Kenya
Kiragu, Serah Wambui
2016. Wilderness or Home? Conflicts, Competing Perspectives and Claims of Entitlement over Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 66
Debelo, Asebe Regassa
2016. Wilderness or Home? Conflicts, Competing Perspectives and Claims of Entitlement over Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 66
Debelo, Asebe Regassa
2016. À Goma on sait jamais. Jugend im ganz normalen Ausnahmezustand in Goma, DR Kongo. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 69
Oldenburg, Silke
antaw, Setargew Kenaw. 2016. Technology-Culture Dialogue: Cultural and Sociotechnical Appropriation of Mobile Phones in Ethiopia. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 71
Fantaw, Setargew Kenaw
Der Versuch zu bleiben. Dammbau und Krise im sudanesischen Niltal
Hänsch, Valeria
2017. Angolan Kuduro: Carga, Aesthetic Duelling, and Pleasure Politics performed through Music and Dance
Alisch, Stefanie
2017. Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver is a Word Spoken at the RightTime. The Translation of Biblical Metaphors in Hausa and Swahili. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 78
Firsching, Henrike
2017. Changing Climates: Translating Adaptation in/to Rwanda. Münster: LIT, Forum Politische Geographie 14
Gebauer, Claudia
2017. Charity Drops. Water Provision and the Politics of the Zakat Chamber in Khartoum, Sudan. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 82
Abdalla, Salma Mohamed Abdalmunim
2017. Competing and Conflicting Power Dynamics in Waqfs in Kenya, 1900-2010
Chembea, Suleiman Athuman
2017. Die Einheit der Kinder Gihangas. Kulturelle Dynamiken und politische Fiktionen der Neugestaltung von Gemeinschaft in Ruanda. Leiden, Boston, Singapore, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink
Dahlmanns, Erika
2017. Local State Institutional Reforms in Ghana. Actors, Legitimacy and the Unfulfilled Promise of Participatory Development. Baden-Baden: Nomos, Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika 3
Sabbi, Matthew
2017. Mobile Labore. Zur Diagnose und Organisation von Malaria in Uganda. Bielefeld: Transcript
Umlauf, René
2017. Perspectives on Translation Studies in Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 17 (BIGSASworks! 7)
Uchenna Oyali (ed)
2017. Regionalization of Higher Education in Africa. The Operationalization of the African Union Higher Education Harmonization Strategy. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 73
Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse
2017. State/Society. Narrating Transformations in Selected African Novels. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 77
Ndi, Gilbert Shang
2017. The History of Use and Conservation of Marine Resources in Zanzibar: Nineteenth Century to the Present
Mkumbukwa, Abdallah R.
2017. The Modernity of Witchcraft in the Ghanaian Online Setting
Riahi, Idris
2017. The Religious Men in Jebel Marra: The Process of Learning and the Performance of Islamic Rituals and Practices. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 81
Mohammed, Bakheit M. Nur
2017. The Witch is not a Witch: The Dynamics and Contestations of Witchcraft Accusations in Northern Ghana
Igwe, Leo
2017. Towards a South African Literary Post-Pastoralism. Münster: Edition Assemblage, ISBN: 9783960420378
Donsomsakulkij, Weeraya
2017. Traditional Scholarly Culture in Northern Cameroon, 1900 to the Present
Ayong, Ahmed Khalid
2017. Trans-Boundary Resource Cooperation in the Lake Victoria Bay: An International Environmental Law Perspective. Nairobi: LawAfrica
Owino, Robert Omondi
2018. Childbearing in Practice: Expectations and Experiences among the Fulbein Central Mali
Diallo, Brahima
2018. Dynamics of Idenity Formation and Legal Pluralism: the Case of Customary, State and Religious Dispute Resolutions among the Siltie People, Southern Ethiopia
Adera, Kairedin Tezera
2018. Ent-Täuschung des weißen Blicks. Rassismussensible Strategien für eine ideologiekritische Filmanalyse. Münster: Edition Assemblage
Dittmann, Julia
2018. Exploring Ethnically-Marked Varieties of Kenyan English. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 83
Otundo, Billian Khalayi
2018. Gender and Marriage: An Exploration of Changes in Marital Relations in Southwestern Nigeria, 1914-1960
Asaaju, Morenikeji
2018. Islamic Construction of Gender in Accra: The Role of Islamic Religious Authorities in Mediating Marital Conflicts
Issaka-Toure, Fulera
2018. Kenyan Community Radio: Players, Production Processes and Participation
Kimani, Rose
2018. La vente de produits de santé dans les cars interurbains au Cameroun. Une analyse interactionelle. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 92
Ngawa Mbaho, Carline Liliane
2018. Lasten tragen, Moderne befördern. Wanderarbeit, Jugend, Erwachsenwerden und ihre geschlechtsspezifischen Differenzierungen in Ghana. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 89
Ungruhe, Christian
2018. Les discours sur l’homosexualité au Sénégal : L’analyse d’une lutte représentationnelle
Mbaye, Aminata
2018. Living in African Cities: Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 18 (BIGSASworks! 8)
Azza Mustafa Babikir Ahmed, Delia Nicoué, Johanna Rieß, Johanna Sarre & Florian Stoll (eds)
2018. L’usage des mémoires et discours dans les pratiques de légitimation : Le cas de l’autorité locale chez les Lokpa du Nord‐Bénin et chez les Lokpa et Lama du Nord‐Togo (1898‐2010)
Solitoke, Essoham
2018. Migrations et Savoirs: Stations, itinéraires et périples, de l’apprentissage sur le parcours migratoire entre l’Éthiopie et Allemagne. Paris: L’Harmattan
Nicoué, Délia Evelyne
2018. Performative Künste in Äthiopien. Internationale Kulturbeziehungen und postkoloniale Artikulationen. Bielefeld: Transcript
Köppen, Grit
2018. Religion and Nature in Africa: The Case of Matobo National Park and its Vicinity
Mtata, Kupakwashe
2018. Sensibilisation contre le VIH/SIDA au Cameroun
Mellie, Didérot Djiala
2018. Space, food, society changing food consumption practices of the emerging urban middle class in Meqele, Ethiopia. A relational approach of local dynamics and spatial manifestations of socio-cultural transformation processes
Degenhart, Barbara
2018. Spoken Word Goes Digital. Performance Poetry und Social Media in Harare (Simbabwe) und Johannesburg (Südafrika). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Literaturen und Kunst Afrikas 10
De Haas, Ricarda
2018. Station Ventures: Road Transport, Roadside Economies and Urban Hustle in Ghana
Stasik, Michael
2018. The Funeral Performances among the Bukusu of Kenya: A Contribution to Communicative Genre Analysis. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 84
Nganga, Simon Wanjala
2018. The Politics of Religious Sound. Conflict and the Negotiation of Religious Diversity in Ghana. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 86
Arthur, Justice Anquandah
2018. Translations of Urban Regulation in Relations between Kigali (Rwanda) and Singapore. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 87
Bock, Stephan
2018. Transnational Migration-Development Nexus. The Engagement of Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Based in Germany. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 90
Mekonnen, Mulugeta Bezabih
2018. Une sécurisation foncière urbaine dans l’impasse, exemple de Bamako, Mali. Berlin: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Doumbia, Lamine
2018. ‘That is not who I am’: Knowledge production and female same-sexuality in KwaZulu-Natal
Riley, Taylor
2019. Bible Translation and Language Elaboration: The Igbo Experience
Oyali, Uchenna Paul
2019. Child Labour in Sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical Evidence and New Perspectives
Frempong, Raymond Boadi
2019. Debating Sufism: The Tijāniyya and its Opponents
Hanif, Mohammad Ajmal
2019. Dynamic Tensions, Civil Societyand Development of the Disability Rights Movement. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 95
Sackey, Emmanuel
2019. Esttudo da voz verbal em Kizómbò (H.16K)
Teca, Afonso
2019. Fictioning Namibia as a Space of Desire. An excursion into the literary space of Namibia during colonialism, apartheid and the Liberation Struggle. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Baas, Renzo
2019. Gender and Social Encounters: Experiences from Africa. University of Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers No. 23, (BIGSASworks! 9)
Shillah S. Memusi & Adeyemi Balogun (eds)
2019. Gender in Media Discourse: The Discursive Construction of Gender in Nigerian Newspapers. Münster: LIT, Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 94
Ahmed, Umar
2019. Land, Power and Identity: The politics of scale and violent conflict in Masisi, “DR Congo”
Muhire, Blaise Mwanga