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EXC 277:  Cognitive Interaction Technology

Subject Area Computer Science
Systems Engineering
Term from 2007 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 39113330
What do we need in order to enhance the command of complex technical systems and reach the ease and naturalness of human communication? How can we endow technical devices with the necessary cognitive abilities to support humans at a high level of semantic interaction, offering true flexibility by virtue of adaptivity, self-organisation and learning? In order to solve these questions, the cluster of excellence is focusing the efforts of computer scientists, psychologists, linguists and biologists on the goal of establishing cognitive interfaces that facilitate the use of complex technical systems by providing for a level of semantic interaction. This will combine interdisciplinary, basic and applied research and going beyond the classical confines of artificial intelligence and aiming at a thorough understanding of the processes and functional constituents of cognitive interaction, their replication in technical systems, and the development of evaluation methodologies and tool kits for such systems.
The cluster of excellence organises its research agenda around four central topic areas: "Motion Intelligence", "Attentive Systems", "Situated Communication", "Memory and Learning". Area "Motion Intelligence" will deal with the question: How can we integrate perception with action to allow robots to move smartly and smoothly while assisting humans in unprepared, everyday environments? Area "Attentive Systems" is concerned with mechanisms that will enable a system to understand and actively focus on what is important, to ignore irrelevant detail, and to share attention with humans.
In area "Situated Communication" the goal is to coherently integrate language, perception and action so that cooperation between humans and technical systems can take place in natural efficiency. Finally, "Memory and Learning" deals with the question what memory architecture provides generality, versatility, and scalability to allow autonomously intelligent systems to establish and continuously maintain the linkage between conceptual and perceptual entities.
In addition, the cluster of excellence will establish evaluation procedures and provide benchmark problems to shape the field of CIT and to set internationally competitive standards for identification of cutting edge research in this interdisciplinary context. It will establish a cross-disciplinary education programme in order to attract young researchers to the field, provide them with excellent training and in this way aims to achieve a lasting dissemination of its results through people.
DFG Programme Clusters of Excellence
Applicant Institution Universität Bielefeld

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