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Worlding Medicine - Negotiating Knowledge Regimes and Practices between Alternative and Biomedicine

Subject Area Human Geography
Term from 2017 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 392750976
Viruses, microbes, patients, organs, new therapeutic technologies, pharmaceuticals or care services - health is a field of intense global circulation. This project explores the emergence of new medical practices and spaces; between Global North and Global South, tradition and modernity, analytical and holistic thinking, and in the context of transnationalization and unequal regional development. Drawing on a case study on Thai Traditional Medicine (TTM) the intended research project asks how traditional, complementary or alternative knowledge regimes and practices are (re-)constituted when translated into biomedical contexts, how they are being mobilized and how they circulate globally. The theoretical perspective of worlding enables to understand the emergent spaces and forms of medicine as a global assemblage of knowledge and practice, and to decentre Eurocentric knowledge production.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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