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FACIT collagens XII and XIV and their role in musculoskeletal homeostasis and regeneration

Subject Area Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
Term since 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 384170921
Proteins of the collagen family fulfil important functions for the musculoskeletal system. This is illustrated by collagen-dependent inherited diseases such as myopathy and Ehler-Danlos syndrome. A subgroup of collagens is attributed to collagen-associated proteins, and a protein within this group, termed collagen XII, was described for the first time in our laboratory as a protein secreted by skin fibroblasts. Recently, we were able to demonstrate its involvement in the extracellular matrix by describing new binding partners for collagen XII. With others, we were able to detect collagen XII mutations in several patient families, with these patients exhibiting myopathies, joint hypermobility and soft skin with atrophic scarring. Furthermore, we could detect changes in the knee in mice as well as in the patients, which can lead to patellar luxation. The aim of this project is to clarify the function of collagens XII and XIV in the neuromuscular system. In particular, we will investigate the role of collagens XII and XIV in muscle and nerve regeneration after injury. The molecular signalling pathways will also be investigated in more detail. In addition to understanding the function of collagens XII and XIV, this work will also serve to identify new therapeutic options for treatment
DFG Programme Research Units

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