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Clinician Scientist PRogram In Vascular MEdicine: PRIME

Subject Area Cardiology, Angiology
Anatomy and Physiology
Term since 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 413635475
Vascular diseases are among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. This leads to enormous problems in health care and has negative socio-economic effects. A better understanding of the pathophysiological basis of vascular diseases, the identification of new therapeutic targets and the transfer of research concepts into clinical applications are important prerequisites for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases. Clinician scientists are of outstanding importance for the identification and successful clinical establishment of new therapies. However, there is a significant shortage of doctors working at both “bench” and “bedside”. This is in part due to the fact that the combined clinical-scientific training of clinician scientists is only inadequately regulated. Following the tender of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2018, we applied for the establishment of a research and training program with the title “Clinician Scientist PRrogram In Vascular Medicine (PRIME)” for young licensed doctors. The central goal of the program is the targeted promotion of clinical and scientific competencies of young physicians active with a vascular focus. Over a period of 3 years, medical professionals in specialist training have the opportunity to flexibly use 50% of their working hours as protected research time. The program is accompanied by interdisciplinary and individually adapted training within a structured curriculum as well as close supervision by research-experienced mentors. The program promotes the successful implementation of experimental, translational and clinical research, and at the same time ensures clinical training as a specialist without significant delay. The training program is accessible to vascular-interested researching doctors from all specialist disciplines, and also takes into account smaller specialist disciplines (e.g. cardiac surgery, laboratory medicine), for which participation in such programs has often been difficult up to now. In summary, we established an interdisciplinary, vascular-focused training program termed “PRIME”, which makes an important contribution to the structured, scientifically sound training of researching doctors. The program has been integrated into the framework of the Munich Clinician Scientist Program (MCSP). With the accompanying sustainability concept of the LMU Medical Faculty, we are opening up new career paths and ensure that talented doctors are promoted beyond their specialist qualification. PRIME will therefore make an important contribution to the research, treatment and prevention of vascular diseases.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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