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Open Access Publication 2019 - 2020 / University of Magdeburg

Applicant Linda Thomas, since 8/2021
Term from 2018 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 413729872
The University of Magdeburg (OVGU) commits to the open-access concept. The OVGU senate adopted an open-access policy on 21.03.2018. The OVGU demands for widely and readily available research results of OVGU scientists to society. Furthermore, the university recommends publishing results electronically and according to the principles of open access. Open-access publishing is an alternative to traditional models, which raises additional ways to visibility and increases availability to scientific publications.Basic objective is the creation of an open-access culture and an awareness for open access within OVGU in conjunction with establishing a long-lasting and reliable open-access infrastructure. The necessary organizational and technical requirements for open access are implemented currently. OVGU Magdeburg establishes sustainable open-access-publishing structures including a DFG publication fund that further increases the reputation of this method.The OVGU establishes a fund in order to support publications of OVGU members in open access journals. The initial grant by the DFG enables the university to create a reliable structure for financing article-processing charges. The fund sponsors APCs for articles published in genuine, high quality open-access journals. Additional organizational, technical, and legal actions ensure a comprehensive service, enabling OVGU scientists to provide open access to their research results.
DFG Programme Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Eckhard Blume, until 8/2021

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