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Combined meshless modelling and inversion of electromagnetic data

Applicant Dr. Jan Wittke
Subject Area Geophysics
Term from 2018 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 415298186
In this project, a newly meshless scheme for the inversion and simulation of geoelectric and electromagnetic data will be developed. In contrast to commonly used discretization techniques like finite differences (fd) or the finite element method (fem), no fixed mesh or grid will be used during the discretization. For this project we use an already available algorithm, developed within the framework of a dissertation at the University of Cologne, which is capable to simulate magnetotelluric experiments and extend it to handle geoelectrical as well as active electromagnetic simulations. A new inverse algorithm will be developed which directly benefit from the meshless discretizations of the two different methods. To achieve this, a joint-inversion will be developed which is based on a new mathematical formulation of the Gauss-Newton algorithm. Here, the two methods will be linked in a mathematical way to enhance the image of the subsurface. To validate the newly developed algorithm, synthetic as well as real data will be inverted to study the enhanced image of the subsurface.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Canada
Co-Investigator Professor Dr. Klaus Spitzer
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Colin Farquharson

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