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Resolving the Baryon Cycle within Nearby Galaxies

Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422101097
To understand galaxies, we must understand the physical processes and local conditions that drive their buildup of stellar mass through star formation. This evolution is regulated through the baryon cycle, the transformation of gas into stars and eventual ejection and recycling of that material to form the next generation of stars. The relevant physics occurs on the 50 pc scales of individual molecular clouds, star forming HII regions and supernova remnants, only now accessible in a diverse sample of external galaxies. In this Emmy Noether project, I will exploit the results of two new large observing programs currently underway at ALMA and the VLT obtained by the PHANGS collaboration for 19 nearby galaxies. My group will identify and characterize the physical conditions in and around HII regions to ask: How does metal enrichment proceed within the disk? Does the injection of energy and momentum from stellar winds and supernovae trigger or suppress star formation? What is the source of ionization in the diffuse ionized gas? Addressing these topics ultimately requires us to map the internal ionization structure of star-forming regions, which will be undertaken in an ambitious new Local Volume Mapper (LVM) spectroscopic survey of the Milky Way and Local Group galaxies. As LVM survey scientist, I am uniquely positioned to answer these key open questions and lead the proposed Emmy Noether group.
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups

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