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re3data – Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (re3data COREF)

Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422587133
re3data is a well-recognized global research data repository registry, listing more than 2100 research data repositories. The searchable and openly accessible registry is used by researchers and service providers worldwide. Scientific communities, funding organizations, research institutions and services rely on concise, current and specific repository descriptions and refer to re3data as a reliable source.The main goal of the planned project is to further professionalize the service and provide reliable, trustworthy and customizable repository information: re3data will provide core repository descriptions that can be referred and cited in an appropriate manner and are persistently identifiable. This includes unique identification in machine-to-machine (M2M) communication that is not available at the moment. The technical platform shall be advanced to facilitate the reuse of reliable and trustworthy information on research data repositories.Given the diverse and developing landscape of research data infrastructures, it is planned to extend the metadata schema for enabling its customization by different domains or institutions.External parties and their integration of repository descriptions from re3data will play a major role for the project. re3data will further develop its framework as a service for third parties to build applications and foster the usage of re3data as persistent identifier for repositories among the scientific community. This includes an elaborated API as well as easy embeddable widgets and tools.Complementary to exposing repository information, re3data shall be connected to and populated with metadata fragments, controlled vocabularies and database entries of external sources and repositories. Consequently, re3data will refine its metadata schema, thereby reflecting the current development of research data repositories, including information on quality and trust. The emphasis in outreach and networking will be on explicitly promoting re3data as a community-driven source providing persistent identifiers for research data repositories. This enables easy machine-to-machine communication for third parties and foster seamless integration of repository descriptions in expected applications, ranging from reporting over recommendations to reuse and extending those in community specific platforms. Within this work package, funding bodies and publishers, shall be addressed to recommend re3data in their respective policies, and to foster the usage of trustworthy repositories complying with the FAIR-principles.
DFG Programme Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemalige Antragstellerinnen / Ehemalige Antragsteller Patricia Cruse, until 5/2020; Frank Scholze, until 6/2020

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