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Skin-resident memory T cells mediate delayed-onset drug hypersensitivity reactions in human and mice

Subject Area Dermatology
Term from 2019 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 423175926
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

In this prospective study we collected skin and blood pre- and post-SCT from multiple patients. For n= 3 patients and a total of 12 specimens (4 samples per patient), we successfully established single cell suspensions and performed single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) with T cell receptor sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) analysis to assess host (and donor) T cells post-SCT to proof the concept of a novel avenue researching SCT and GvHD. By including pre-SCT skin and blood samples in prospective study sampling, TCR sequencing was able to identify whether host T cells in skin post-SCT derived from host skin pre-SCT (presumably TRM) or migrated into the skin from blood following SCT. We observed in our prospectively collected clinical samples that the majority of T cells in skin at 30 days post-SCT were host, while comparatively the majority of T cells in blood were donor-derived using TCR sequencing. In addition, our pipeline was able to identify the origin, activation and function of non-T cells (NK cells, APCs) that may likewise contribute to GvHD. Future plans for this project is to apply the established pipeline in a larger prospective clinical studies to track these cell populations over time in patients post-SCT and in the development of GVHD for which we submitted an R01 grant based on our proof of concept study. We are also currently finalizing the analysis of our data with the goal to submit a research manuscript to Blood.



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