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Boosting copulas - multivariate distributional regression for digital medicine

Subject Area Medical Informatics and Medical Bioinformatics
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 428239776
Traditional regression models often provide an overly simplistic view on complex associations and relationships to contemporary data problems in the area of biomedicine. In particular, capturing relevant associations between multiple clinical endpoints correctly is of high relevance to avoid model misspecifications, which can lead tobiased results and even wrong or misleading conclusions and treatments. As such, methodological development of statistical methods tailored for such problems in biomedicine are of considerable interest. It is the aim of this project to develop novel conditional copula regression models for high-dimensional biomedical data structures by bringing together efficient statistical learning tools for high-dimensional data and established methods from economics for multivariate data structures that allow to capture complex dependence structuresbetween variables. These methods will allow us to model the entire joint distribution of multiple endpoints simultaneously and to automatically determine the relevant influential covariates and risk factors via algorithms originally proposed in the area of statistical and machine learning. The resulting models can thenbe used both for the interpretation and analysis of complex association-structures as well as for prediction inference (simultaneous prediction intervals for multiple endpoints). Additional implementation in open software and its application in various studies highlight the potentials of this project’s methodological developments in the area of digital medicine.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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